Sunday, October 24, 2010

the more you kiss on the lips the more human you are.

I'm turning nineteen on November 7th. Nineteen appears to be a pointless age. That's what I've been told anyway.
The more significant date approaching is November 12th which marks my one year anniversary with myself. This year was that first year in many years that I didn't have strings on me.
I won't bullshit, some of it was lonely.
But in all honesty, I feel like I finally learned to enjoy myself.
maybe that was a gross thing to say. "
I feel like I finally learned to enjoy myself" But its the only way I could say it.

I feel as though I can cope now if I'm thrust into that situation. Because I guess I can recognize it now.
I know what I don't like which is far more important than knowing what you do like in my humble opinion.
I've developed this feeling in my stomach every time I run into something I know is not for me.
Its very handy.

and also, I have at least three more ideas for scenes for "Men on Leashes"
I want to paint fighter jets all day, just as long as they don't fight away what I actually want.

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