Sunday, June 26, 2011

golden boy on marriage.

I've found myself at too many funerals lately which has made me a little too aware of myself. When I say too many I mean two in the past two weeks which is half of the funerals I've been to in my life.
On a similar note there have also been more weddings, and baby showers.
is this what happens as you enter into your twenty-somethings?

We sat outside eating frozen yogurt and I jokingly asked one of my good friends if I could be one of his groomsmen when he got married. He laughed and said probably. Then we started talking about marriage and when seemed like a suitable time to go through with it. As one of my other friends talked about how she wouldn't get married until she was in her thirties I looked over at my close friend [who i WILL be a groomsman for] and asked him knowing the answer, "So. are you going to graduate college and get married?"
"That's the plan."
Our other friend looked shocked.
"Woah. its so weird because usually I wouldn't believe things like that. I mean, she was the first girlfriend you ever had and you know you're going to marry her." I said looking right at him.
"I would have laughed at myself years ago if you told me I would marry my high school girlfriend. But we've been together for two years. and no one is as good." he said smiling, looking down at his hands.
"You know whats funny? I kinda believe you."

its odd to me that in three or four years I can clearly picture being in his wedding.....
the boy who i saved from the library in seventh grade.

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