Sunday, June 12, 2011

i know things now.

Things I learned or realized my first year at SOU:

One. I need powerful water pressure in a shower. My hair cannot be fully clean without it. [but not for long! It’ll be all gone in five days]

Two. Salad bars depress me.

Three. People in Oregon don’t always have very good hygiene so be careful who you let hug you.

Four. I know more than I thought I did about theatre. My theatre education at Costa seemed horrible at the time but I really do know a lot.

Five. When people use the term “hooking up” here it doesn’t mean just making out.

Six. I am horrible at hanging lights.

Seven. I’m a therapist at home and I’m a therapist here.


Nine. How to run a successful improv group [but I’m going to keep learning that]

Ten. To allow myself to be in a relationship and not be grossed out by it and actually, to kinda love it.

Eleven. The importance of being earnest, except not the play. Just that its important to be kind to everyone, especially in the theatre department. MAKE NO ENEMIES IN THAT PLACE.

Twelve. People that only talk about their significant others are not good friends to keep.

Thirteen. First impressions of people are either completely correct or COMPLETELY incorrect. There is no in between.

Fourteen. Audition for everything.

Fifteen. Age is almost always irreverent in relation to how mature someone is.

Sixteen. Always assume that it maybe might rain.

Seventeen. It’s easier to be friends with girls than I thought.

Eighteen. So much from Greer Markel

Nineteen. Advocate for myself. It’s the most important thing.

Twenty. It’s all about who you pick as your scene partner.

Twenty-One. The real difference between confident and cocky.

Twenty-Two. That I am a horrible dancer but it’s no longer pathetic, it’s just funny.

Twenty-Three. Strike up conversations with random people. They usually have wanted to talk to you too.

Twenty-Four. I can be alone, but I don’t need to be.

Twenty-Five. I will actually make it in this business.

Twenty-Six. When in doubt, always eat pie or artichoke dip.

Twenty-Seven. How to love things, really love things.

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