Thursday, December 9, 2010


there I was, 11D, about to dive into my newest venture:
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
By Mary Roach.
its a book about....wait for it....CADAVERS. my favorite.
it discusses death and dying in great scientific detail while still maintaining a refreshing narrative. [Loving it so far by the way, Mary Roach.]
as I began to read the first page I hear a rather distracting, rather disgusting sound behind me. The same couple who were entangled while waiting for our seven am flight to board were now the occupants of 12C and 12D. and they were making out.
this wasn't a quick, 'yay we're taking off kiss'. it wasn't even a more passionate 'there is always a chance the plane will crash, I love you kiss'. this was a 'lets get naked right here on this plane kiss'.
I understand, we get it.
My initial guess was that this was a new couple, one of them bringing the other home to meet the parents. It seemed like a good hypothesis until I realized these two were my age.
which led me to the even more disgusted assumption that these two kids, were in fact my least favorite kind of couple of all time. they were the 'we've been together since freshman year of high school couple'. the idea that I even had to be near them made me taste a tiny bit of vomit in my mouth.
As I continued to read about the size and weight of the average human head, the revolting duo began to smack lips again. I cautiously got up from my seat and observed them on my way to the bathroom. [He was using too much mouth and tongue, she was using too little lip] together, their kissing combination was a nightmare. That was what confirmed my suspicion that they had in fact been dating since middle school. [in my humble opinion the way you become a good kisser is by kissing a lot of people, if they were each others first kiss, [which I am assuming they were] then one could deduce that they weren't even aware about how horrible their kissing chemistry really was.
I thought about all of this while I stood awkwardly in the bathroom for the pee appropriate amount of time. It was as I walked back that I decided to make the last hour of the flight far more interesting. I bumped into the boy on the way back after the tiny plane took a lucky dip of unexpected turbulence. I apologized to the boy profusely as I took my seat. the girl complimented me on my hair and asked why I was going to LA [she may be part of a revolting couple but at least she was polite.] I explained that my name was Chloe, I was a biology major at SOU and I was traveling to UCLA for my interview for the medical program and that I hoped to become a surgeon.
[they were impressed and so was I]
I then asked them about their travel plans.
they explained for their....wait for it..... SEVEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY they splurged and bought tickets to LA to go to disneyland for a couple days. I opened my mouth to reply slightly worried vomit would truly spew out this time but luckily it didn't. They asked how old I was and I said [to be believably finishing college] 22. I asked them the same question and they replied with 18 and 19.
this was all too mind boggling for me to handle. they had been together for seven years meaning they got together when they were 11 and 12. You are hardly a real person when you're that age.
and as if the situation couldn't get any worse she then flashed an engagement ring in my direction.
I didn't know why this was getting me so worked up.
I didn't know why it was causing even more tension in my back.
The seat belt sign was turned on and I returned to cadavers. it was safe with them.
As we deplaned I wished them a happy anniversary and sped off.

I appreciated my life today.

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