I'm also being held captive in my own head which I'm enjoying. Perhaps my judgment was incorrect though. Perhaps it was too soon. Actually I know for a fact it was. is. these past couple of days I have just felt so full...so uninhibited.
I can't get over how odd it will be to be home for nearly a month. so I won't.
I may hibernate for the entire month of December.
I just have been enjoying my observations a bit too much lately. Especially last night. Its interesting being an outsider glancing in on something I am so familiar with and yet, perhaps don't have the authority to feel as though I know well.
but screw authority.
in any case, these past weeks reminded me that opportunities have been falling into my lap. perhaps my issue is, the amount of those opportunities I have allowed to fall straight through my lap and accumulate in a pile on the floor.
every time I think of things that didn't even fall into my my lap at all, all I can think of is that if they are meant to, they will. and I'm not even a person who believes in that kind of thing.
maybe it will start with letting someone in.
but also, maybe that is the place it could end.
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