Monday, February 7, 2011

"redefining rape"

Creative writing assignment: Write a bad poem

Yesterday was yesterday.
Wait is that blue?
The worst thing ever is republicans.
math isn't real and the sky is up there.
can you believe tomorrow is Tuesday?
Clowns and Santa make me angsty.
Maybe you are the worst person.
Stupid economy and slaughter houses.
Jocks get special treatment for being assholes.
Spinach is good for the soul, I guess.
Can anyone remember the last time I wanted to say something?
sometimes I forget why I want to drink water.
And the worst is being the odd man out,
maybe the odd man in.
Or the guy that shovels shit.
We all don't shovel shit.
Friday is more certain than Saturday.
People are douchebags on Monday.
Mega shark should eat them.
flowers on wrong occasions.

PS. Speaking of Mega Shark eating them, today is the birthday of my one true enemy in this world. I shouldn't even acknowledge it but at the same time, I like remembering how I will never be like him and it makes me smile.

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