Thursday, February 3, 2011

six word stories

found a rad website while I was stumbling [and procrastinating]
six word stories. here's one of theirs:

They lived happily ever after. Separately.

here are some of mine about the past week:

Just wanted to feel. Oh well.
The heater rumbled. I am cold.
Suddenly responsibility. I am a godmother.
Lets watch Megashark and be sarcastic.

Writers block. Need some help. You?
Third wheel on date. Second wheel?
Left early. Saw snow. Worth it.
Ate too much sushi. Happy full.
Didn't know how to comfort you.
Said the phrase: Lets be friends.
Acted for a minute. Craved it.
First line on a shirt. Cool.
Bought juice. Wasted money. Not there.
Salt and vinegar chips. My hero.
Can't skip ahead. Not this time.
My crush is big. Is yours?
Come see the Vagina Monologues. Please.
Crane Wife 3. My theme song.
Next door neighbor, loud boyfriend visit.
'Try a Little Tenderness" Dancing alone.

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