Sunday, April 24, 2011

dear bitch in the tutu,

If only we could write letters to ourselves from the future.

Dear eighteen year old Sarah this time last year,

Hey. Heres the thing, I know everything sucks right now. I know you didn’t get what you want. I know you didn’t finish out on that high note that you dreamed about for so long. Last night I watched Mira Costa High school’s current musical. I watched a boy I stopped myself from loving shake his hips knowing that most of his cast mates hate him for something stupid high schoolish thing he did. I watched another boy I broke steal the show.

I kept having flashbacks of my nasty, bitter attitude in my purple tutu. The naps I took during the show, going on stage half asleep, not giving a fuck, that was stupid. That was awful. I hate watching people I love having that same attitude. Not just the bitterness but not enjoying each other while they’re there.

Your senior speech didn’t say all you should have said, all you should have said. You said that High School was disappointing. You talked about how you wish it had been different.

You didn’t warn them.

You should have told them to enjoy each other, to love each other. You should have said High School isn’t the be-all end-all. There’s so much more.

I’m the same.

We’re the same.

But I’m different. I grew up and realized these things. I'm being that annoying friend who's only a year older but thinks they know a lot. Well, just between you and me, I do know more than you so I don't mind so much telling you.

I realized to appreciate everything and to not let anything stop me from achieving what I want to succeed.

Apologize to boys for messing them up. Especially buckethead.

Its good you didn’t peak in High School.


Future Sarah

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