Sunday, August 21, 2011

Strained Peas and wild pigs.

Max, the king, would not stop crying tonight.
I babysat him and his brother.
As I held and fed Max, Adam crawled up and sat on my lap and demanded a story.
"What kind of story?"
"The kind that has me and you and Max in it and there are cowboys!"
I proceeded to make up, on the spot, a story of epic proportions.

Spoiler alert:
in the story we didn't ride horses. Adam rode a pig and Max and I rode an elephant.

As I finished the story Adam and Max both looked at me.
It is the strangest thing watching two brand new people grow up. They look at me as if I know everything, that I already have the answers or something. When Max cries about something it is the end of the world to him because that is all he knows.

Adam put his head on my shoulder and whispered, "Is Maxie asleep?"
I looked down and saw at long last he had fallen to sleep. "Yes."

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