Saturday, February 23, 2013

pillow thoughts

So, we should check in a little bit. Do you want to keep seeing me?

The thing is I don't really think I need to anymore. I like talking to you but I think I can do this on my own now.

I would agree with that. In all my time doing this I don't think I've ever witnessed someone pick up the pieces of their life so quickly. You recognized that you were unhappy and you changed your situation. That takes a lot of guts.

Thank you. That really means a lot. I guess... Yeah, I'm proud of myself too.

You should be. You're very brave, intelligent and nurturing. Just do me a favor, make sure you're taking care of yourself and not other people. Take care of them if they need it of course but not at the cost of your happiness. Okay? 

I sat at the head of the table after eating a delicious slice of pizza with a whiskey sour in my hand smiling. I was happy. I was tired but very happy. And as if on cue, like what happens in most stories, it got all dark and I immediately felt uncomfortable. I finished my drink in a gulp and walked out of there.

It breaks my heart that he doesn't want me to be happy. I feel like it invalidates everything we've been through because he would rather have me be miserable. 

We're not going to be able to be friends. That is the gut wrenching truth. I think the reason why we won't be able to be friends is because no one knows the real you but me. And that terrifies you. It will be hard to see you fall back into who you use to be. Maybe they'll find out, maybe they won't.

"You gotta do you right now." 

Yeah, I do.  

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