Friday, January 25, 2013


For the past three nights I've had the same nightmare.

I went for drinks with my brother last night and I felt safe and loved and understood. For awhile I thought we only became friends because of circumstance. But I realized even after all these months of not talking, he is a real, true friend that cares about me.

Even when I feel alone I do have people. Not a lot of people can say that. I'm lucky. I know it.

My roommate started to tear up last night. I told her how lonely and painful this week again and I could tell how much she cared.
Things will get better.

I don't really know who regularly follows this.
I tend to write in code or try to because I don't want to say anything too real, give away too much.

But fuck it.

A lot of people think seeing a therapist is a sign of weakness. That needing someone to talk to shows that you can't handle your thoughts alone.

Well. I am weak. and I can't handle my thoughts alone.
But its not a sign of weakness.

I'm finally taking matters into my own hands so I can figure out what the fuck I should do.

Seeing a therapist today. Hope it goes well.

1 comment:

  1. good luck, honey. I've been too scared (or something) to see a therapist for /years/, though multiple folks I'm really close to have been encouraging me to do so. let me know how it goes?
