Thursday, August 5, 2010

sarah spelled with a 'h' was getting bored.

I got into a verbal fistfight tonight with my justgotoutofaVERYseriousrelationship* friend. we've been close for a long time. Debating has been a staple in our friendship for the past five years but this got real.

monogamy is a concept I understand. I've been in relationships. I get it.
Here's my issue: That line between high school infatuation and actual solid gold love for another person.
I'm beginning to doubt it.

I mean I get it in theory. It makes sense. But at this age how exactly is it possible to feel that for another person? I just don't see it. While maintaining simple logic and personal boundaries I believe its vital to act on impulses. if you want to kiss someone, by all means kiss them. its experimentation at its finest. and its important. the disruption in the balances of impulses and the little tug that holds us back from actually doing what we truly want to do creates this amazing rush. Its as though you are actually capable of controlling your own life because OH WAIT you ALWAYS should be.

but when you're in it its different.
then again, that's the infatuation speaking.

*you know what I realized is one of my least favorite phrases? "serious relationship" Relationships should NOT be business agreements. they should be silly.

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